Thursday, February 9, 2017


I remember the first time I saw her, and my eyes couldn’t peel from her smile.
I hid safely behind thick armor, glancing sideways at her for a while,
She was sitting alone on the corner, absently browsing her phone.
I sat with my tongue in my throat there, and I finished my beer and went home.

This is the way things continued, and days became weeks, became more.
I’d never be anything worthy; of this simple fact, I was sure.
I wanted to talk to this beauty, but knew I’d have nothing to say.
I’d embarrass myself, so why bother? Alone, that was how I should stay.

Eventually then I decided, with a gut full of beer I would try.
I remember then soon she was laughing, but right now I have no idea why.
I can still feel the warmth of her smile, and the feeling it gave me and all,
But whatever I said, from my beer-addled head, I just cannot seem to recall.

I decided one day that I’d google, and search for this girl on my mind,
And I managed to find her on Facebook, speechless from how her face shined.
I freaked out for a bit as I wondered, what she’d think if I sent a request.
After two or three days, in a bourbon fueled haze, I requested and hoped for the best.

It was probably not that much later, she accepted, but I guarantee
That the time that I sat there and waited, was no lie, an eternity.
I figured I’d try and engage her, but first thing I needed to see,
was what made her tick, and I noticed real quick, that her likes were familiar to me.

I enjoyed when she posted her pictures, and I loved when she quoted a song.
I began to realize that I liked her, and hoped that we’d chat before long.
And then in astonished amazement, her name appeared there on my screen.
A message from Facebook she’d sent me, complete with a Bill Murray Meme!

For a couple of weeks, I would struggle, to come up with enjoyable chat,
And occasionally I was successful, and occasionally I would fall flat.
But encouraged with all of our talking, and all conversational content
I sent her a link shared from YouTube, and we both laughed at PERGANERNANT!

It was then that I knew that I loved you, and I wanted you all for my own.
It was then that I knew life without you, would be something I couldn’t condone.
I’m convinced I’m the person you’re meant for, and convinced you’re the one for me too.
I will spend all the rest of my days dear, showing you that I love you.

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